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Data formats

How to request data in Infront Data Manager API - Request/Response.  


To controll the response of your request there’s the parameter fields available. 

Best possibility to check what fields are available per request is to browse the schema in the api_doc. The fields are 100% identical with the data model. If you don’t specify any fields only some default fields are added to your response.

This is an example from the GET /listings request (or ListListings in gRPC). When you add,instrument.common.isin exactly those are added to your response. The field 'id' is a default field for every entity:


  "_data": [
      "listing": {
        "common": {
          "id": "185056872",
          "name": "Mercedes-Benz Group AG"
      "instrument": {
        "common": {
          "id": "20665",
          "isin": "DE0007100000"

Language specific fields

For some entities language specific data is available, e.g. for the currency entity:

If you only use the name field in your request you’ll get back the content of name_en in your response as EN is the default language in the API. You can change that with adding the Accept-language header to your request. With “de-DE” field name is field with content of field name_de.

You can also add various different languages to your response by adding e.g. fields=name_en,name_de.

What you can not do is mixing the generic name field with language specific ones, e.g. fields=name,name_en. Then only the more specific one is filled which is name_en in this example.
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