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Add client

In the "Clients" area, you can also create new clients with the appropriate authorisation. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Add" button.
  2. Enter the relevant data on the right-hand side in the "Client data" area.
  3. Enter the Orbit settings below.
  4. Enter the settings for data transfer below.
  5. Confirm the entry of the data with the "Save" button.
    The client is added to the list of client.
    To add more client, repeat steps 1 to 5.
Client data

The individual client data:

Client nameThe full client name (for example, "Infront Financial Technology GmbH").
E-mail addressThe (main) e-mail address of the contact person or the group e-mail address.
E-mail address (notifications)

If necessary, enter additional e-mail addresses here that are to receive notifications for jobs that have run and also the files attached to e-mails.

To add an email address for notifications for the currently selected client:

  1. Enter a valid e-mail address in the "E-mail address (notifications)" input field.
  2. Click the "Add to the list" button.
  3. Then click the "Add" button that is now visible.
    Repeat the steps for other e-mail addresses.
    Use the "Copy" button to quickly create copies, and the "Delete" button to remove e-mail addresses you have created.
LanguageThe language selection for language-dependent static data from the database.
TenantThe client's Keycloak tenant.
CountryThe country of the client's place of business.
Data quality EOD
Pull this switch to the right to change to EOD.
Orbit settings

The Orbit settings in detail:

Orbit user ID
The internal orbit ID.
Orbit user nameThe user name from the Orbit system.
Orbit user typeThe Orbit user type, e.g. "Server".
Orbit expiry dateThe expiry date of the Orbit account.
Orbit usage typeThe orbit use type.

(The Orbit settings are returned after a new client is created.)

By using the "Orbit weba dmin" button, you open a new browser tab with the login page for the Orbit web admin.

Please note that only the free demo package is activated with the creation and any further content must be ordered via a PBA ticket.

Data transfer

The settings for data transfer in detail:

SFTP server

Use this drop-down list to choose between the following settings for the SFTP server:

    Predefined file transfer server on the Infront side (default location and port)
    File transfer server on client side or different from the predefined server (DNS/IP address, storage location and port must be entered)
SFTP status
Checks the accessibility of the SFTP server and displays this as the status "OK" (green) or "Not OK" (red). 
SFTP host
Enter the DNS name or the IP address of the server here. 
SFTP port
Enter the port of the server. 
SFTP directory


Enter the base directory on the server.

SFTP userIf a user name is required for SFTP access, enter it here.
SFTP passwordIf a password is required for SFTP access, enter it here.
SFTP/SSH key (public)

The following steps are required to set up public key authentication (for SSH):

  1. The key pair is created (usually by the user). This can be done via ssh-keygen.
  2. The private key remains with the user (and only there), while the public key is sent to the server.
  3. The server stores the public key and "marks" it as authorised.
  4. Access to the server is then open to anyone who can prove that they have the corresponding private key.
Number of days output files are to be kept
Use the arrow keys to determine how many days the output files are to be kept.
Insert timestamp in file name
Drag this switch to the right to include a timestamp in the file names.

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