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Brief description of Infront Data Manager API - Snapshot

This section briefly presents the highlights of the Infront Data Manager API - Snapshot.

The most important advantages at a glance:

  • Focus: Snapshot service for prices and master data - possible applications:
    • Import into existing portfolio management systems
    • Back office/processing
    • Risk controlling
    • Compliance
    • Integration into core banking systems
  • Fast and flexible supply of market and master data
  • No on-site installation necessary
  • Flexible delivery intervals and formats that can be tailored to your company's requirements
  • Raw data deliveries for end-user display, internal use, websites, subvendors
  • Contributor and stock exchange data available
  • Preparation via client selection file in CSV format
  • Variety of qualities available
    • RT (Realtime)
    • DLY (Delayed)
    • EOD (End of Day)

Market and master data: individual, targeted, compact

You need market and master data of selected securities, but wouldn't want to do without complex software solutions with installation and maintenance costs? You would like to supplement existing data solutions and attach importance to the greatest possible flexibility?

Infront Data Manager API - Snapshot is the most efficient - yet customisable - way to deliver market and master data based on your portfolio. The product offers flexible, fast and reliable delivery for their instruments in a user-friendly format for quick implementation.

  • Flexible delivery intervals and formats that can be tailored to your company's requirements
  • Simple: Price data that is easily accessible and seamlessly integrated into their applications and processes
  • Output formats .csv, .xml and .json
  • 7-day archiving (optionally extendable)
  • High reliability and low-cost addition
  • Use immediately after technical setup and selection of data fields
Step 1

You determine which data fields and information you want to have displayed and at what time the data should be prepared. The Infront Financial Technology GmbH then configures your individual profile once for data access in the Infront Data Manager API - Snapshot. This requires no installation or technical know-how on your part.

Step 2

You upload a selection file with the instrument identifiers you need in the file format .csv to our SFTP server.
(For more information, see Possible input formats for the files.)

Step 3

Infront fills in the pre-defined data fields for the identifiers you have requested and sends the file back to you so that the complete data sets can be imported into existing systems, for example, and are available for separate compliance or risk control requirements.

  • You can vary the composition of your selection file at any time and without consultation.
  • An automatic check of the requested identifiers is carried out. In the event of incorrect information, an error report is provided.
  • You will receive an e-mail as soon as the data is available for you to retrieve.
  • The delivery of your data can be customised in many ways - so you get exactly the content you need in your format.
  • The files are stored on the SFTP server of Infront Financial Technology GmbH by default, but can also be sent as an e-mail attachment.

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