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Add job

On the "Jobs" tab, you can create new jobs for the currently selected client. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select the "Add job" button.

    This opens the "Add job" dialogue window.
  2.  Enter the desired data in the "Add Job" dialogue window.
  3. Once you have made all the entries, close the "Add job" dialogue window with the "Add" button.
    The job is added to the list of jobs and is given a unique job ID.

    To create more jobs, repeat steps 1 to 3.

In detail, you can enter the following data for the job in the "Add job" dialogue window:

NameEnter the name of the job here.
CommentEnter an (optional) comment on the job here.
File name

From this drop-down list, select the relevant file name. The files previously uploaded to the SFTP server are displayed.


Select the desired file format from this drop-down list. The following formats are available:

  • CSV(;)
  • CSV(,)
  • JSON
  • XML
Decimal places

Select the relevant number of decimal places from this drop-down list. There is a choice of 0 to 8 decimal places.

Decimal separator

Select the desired decimal separator from this drop-down list. The following separators are available for selection:

  • Comma (,)
  • Point (.)
Date format

Select the desired date format from this drop-down list.

Date and time format

Select the desired date and time format from this drop-down list.

Trading venue strategy

Select the desired trading strategy from this drop-down list.

By default, you can select from the following strategies:

  • Arbitrage list
  • Standard - single instrument
  • Turnover 1 week - single instrument
  • Turnover 1 month - single instrument
  • Turnover 3 months - single instrument
Compress output file

Turn this switch to the right to compress the file format (format *.gz).

E-mail notification

Turn this switch to the right if you want to notify the e-mail addresses stored in the configuration when this job is executed.

Attach output file to e-mail

Set this switch to the right to attach the output file to the e-mails.

This switch is only visible if the "E-mail notification" switch is activated.

Note that the file size for such attachments here is limited to less than 50 MB.
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