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On the "Jobs" tab, you manage the jobs to be carried out by the clients.

First, go to the list of clients on the left and select the relevant client. You can use the filter field above the list to filter the list of displayed clients.

With a mouse click, you can select a job from the list and then use the lower buttons to start, edit, copy or delete jobs.

The elements on the "Jobs" tab in detail:

"Clients" workspace

The list of clients with client name and tenant.

For more information about how to show and configure clients, see Administration - Clients.

"Enabled" column

In this column you can see whether the respective job is currently "active".

Pull the switch to the right to make a job "active", pull it to the left to make the job "inactive".

"Job ID" columnThe unique job ID of the job.
"Name" columnThe name of the job.
"File name" column
The name of the file in the corresponding format.
"Format" columnThe format and separator of the entries of the job.
"Status" columnThe current status of the job, such as "Success" (green symbol) for successfully completed jobs.
"Last run" columnDate and time of the last job run.
"Comment" columnThe comment entered for the job.
Job details
If you have selected a job in the list or point to a job in the list, the following job details are displayed on the right-hand side:
E-mail appendixThis field returns "Yes" for jobs with email attachments, otherwise "No".
Compress output file
This field returns "Yes" for compressed output files, otherwise "No".
Decimal placesThe specified number of decimal places.
Date formatThe defined date format.
Date and time formatThe defined date and time format.
Decimal separatorThe defined decimal separator.
Trading venue strategy
The trading venue strategy of the job.
Last price (tick) before time
The time before which the last price (tick) is determined.
Last price - Max. age (days)
The maximum age for the prices in days.
Maximum Number (days)
The maximum number of days for the price history (max. 30).
Download input file

Select this download link or the corresponding download icon to download the input file for the job.

This download link is only displayed if a corresponding input file is available.

For more information, see Download input, output and error files.

Download latest output file

Select this download link or the corresponding download icon to download the latest output file of the job.

This download link is only displayed if a corresponding output file is also available.

Download latest error file

Select this download link or the corresponding download icon to download the latest error file for the job.

This download link is only displayed if a corresponding error file is also available.

"Copy article to clipboard" icon

Click this icon to copy the displayed information from the columns and the job details to the clipboard.
"Update" buttonRefreshes the "All jobs" button.
"Add job" button

Click this button to add a new job.

See also the section Add job.

"Edit" button

Click this button to edit the selected job.

See also the section Edit job.

"Copy" button

Click this button to copy the selected job.

See also the section Copy job.

"Start" button

Click this button to start the selected job manually.

As a rule, however, jobs are executed automatically according to the configured job schedule.

See also the section Start job.

"Delete" button

Click this button to delete the currently selected jobs.

See also the section Delete job.

If a job is selected, the areas "Job fields" and "Job schedule" are also displayed at the bottom of the window.

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