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Copy job

On the "Jobs" tab, you can copy existing jobs. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select the job to be copied from the list of jobs.
  2. Then click the "Copy" button.

    This opens the "Add job" dialogue window described in Add job. In the "Name" field, the addition "Copy" is added as a suggestion, all other settings are adopted.
  3. Make your settings for the new job in the "Add job" dialogue window.
  4. The pre-selection is within the client, but you can also select another client for this job configuration by using the "Client name" drop-down list.
  5. If you also want to copy the job fields of the job, drag the "including fields" switch to the right.
  6. If you also want to copy the job schedule of the job, drag the "including schedule" switch to the right.
  7. Once you have made all the entries, close the "Add job" dialogue window with the "Copy" button.
    The new job is added to the list of jobs and is given a unique job ID.

If you have transferred the copied job to another client, note that this job is initially inactive and requires the selection of an input file.

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